Sending A Message One-Step Send .i.Message:Outgoing:Sending;.i.Message:Outgoing:Sending, one-step;If the Immediate Send option in the Settings dialog (Sending Mail) is turned on, select Queue for Delivery from the Message menu to immediately send a current message. .i.Send button;Alternatively, the rightmost button appearing in the icon bar at the top of the current message window is labeled Send. Click this button to send the current message.   Clicking the Send button .i.Show Progress window;A progress window is displayed momentarily at the top of the screen indicating the progress of the transmission.   Progress Window Two-Step Send .i.Message:Outgoing:Sending, two-step;Some people may prefer to compose many messages and transmit them all at once. This is only possible if the .i.Immediate Send option;Immediate Send option in the Settings dialog (Sending Mail) is turned off. To accomplish the first step for any outgoing current message, select .i.Queue For Delivery command;Queue For Delivery from the Message menu. Alternatively, the rightmost button appearing in the icon bar at the top of the current message window is labeled .i.Queue button;Queue. Click this button to queue the current message for later delivery.   Clicking the Queue button Either of these selections closes the message window (if it was open), .i.Message:Outgoing:Saving;saves the message in the Out mailbox and marks it as queued, meaning ready to be delivered. Queued messages are marked by a .i.Message Summary:Status of message:Queued;“Q” in the far left-hand column of the Out mailbox.   A Queued message in the Out mailbox For the second step, select .i.Send Queued Messages command;Send Queued Messages from the File menu. This sends the queued message (or messages). AAAAaa progress window is displayed momentarily at the top of the screen indicating the progress of the transmission. Timed Messages .i.Messages:Outgoing:Timed;It is possible to tell Eudora to send a message at some specific time in the future. To do this for the current outgoing message, select .i.Change Queueing... command;Change Queueing... from the Message menu. The Change Queueing... dialog is then displayed.   Change Queueing dialog If you choose .i.Right Now button;Right Now, the message is sent immediately upon clicking the OK button. If you choose .i.Next time… button;Next time queued messages are sent, the message is sent the next time queued messages are sent. If you choose .i.On or After button;On or After, you can use the time and date fields to fill in the time when the message should be sent. The message is saved in the Out mailbox with a .i.Message Summary:Status of message:Timed;Q in the status column, just as if it were a normal queued message. However, the message is not actually sent until the specified time arrives. Note: For the message to be sent at the correct time, Eudora must be running when the message is due to be sent. If Eudora is not running, the message is sent the first time Eudora is run after the selected time has passed. Sending Queued Messages on Check If the Send on Check option in the Settings dialog (Sending Mail) is turned on, every time a manual or automatic mail check occurs, all queued messages are sent, thus saving you the step of selecting .i.Send Queued Messages command:avoiding;Send Queued Messages. Quitting with Queued Messages .i.Quit command:With queued messages;If you quit Eudora after you have queued messages, but without sending them using Send Queued Messages, Eudora gives you the opportunity to send the messages before you quit.   Quitting with queued messages .i.Quit command:With timed messages;If you quit with timed messages, and the messages are due to be sent within the next 12 hours, Eudora warns you and gives you the opportunity to send them.   Quitting with timed messages Editing a queued message To edit a queued message, open the Out mailbox and double-click on the desired message summary to open its composition window. Make the necessary edits and re-queue the new version of the message with the .i.Queue For Delivery command;Queue For Delivery or .i.Change Queueing... command;Change Queuing... commands from the Message menu or the .i.Save command;Save command from the File menu. You may also re-queue the message using the Queue button on the icon bar. The message is returned to the Out mailbox with a queued status. .i.Message:Outgoing:Closing;If you close the changed message without choosing one of these, an alert is displayed asking you to verify the changes. Changing the Status of a Queued Message .i.Message:Outgoing:Changing status of;A message that is queued but as yet unsent may be unqueued using the .i.Change Queueing... command;Change Queuing... command. Open the Out mailbox and select the desired message summary. Then, select Change Queueing... from the Message menu and click on Don’t Send. This changes the message status from queued (Q) to saved (S). The message is held in the .i.Out mailbox;Out mailbox until it is either deleted or re-queued and sent. Note: You can also send a message immediately or change it to timed send using the Change Queuing... command. Keeping Copies of Outgoing Messages .i.Keep copies of outgoing mail;Once a message is sent, it is put into the Trash mailbox unless the Keep Copies of Outgoing Mail option in the Settings dialog (Sending Mail) is turned on or the Keep Copy icon in the icon bar is checked. In these cases, the message is left in the .i.Out mailbox;Out mailbox and is annotated with an .i.Message Summary:Status of message:Sent;S in the status column of the Out mailbox indicating that the message has been sent.   Copies of outgoing messages saved in the Out mailbox   Return to Table of Contents